Sunday 25 November 2007

'Generic Shooter 3' Made Me Do It.

Everybody’s 9th favourite Scotsman and current political laughing stock Gordon Brown wants to understand games and the gaming culture. Well, firstly, way up high on any gamer’s priority list, is not to lose your CDs / DVDs.

The Byron Review will hopefully advise the government that contrary to most mainstream media reports we’re not all slavering miscreants using violent videogames to finely tune our murdering skills before popping out to butcher old Mrs Tilly from No. 48. However, I can’t help but feel that we’re more likely to see greater controls and censorship heading our way. The current BBFC banning of Manhunt 2 is an example of reactionary censorship brought about by the systematic failure in the control and supply of videogames by those who demand the tighter controls. Parents.

With a title as suggestive as Assassin’s Creed (XB360/PS3) and a BBFC certificate 15 on the box, you don’t need to be a genius to work out that the game may feature the odd death, most likely committed by the player. So when I see a parent gladly hand the game to their 10 year old outside HMV in Birkenhead, my heart just sinks. I know it’s not an isolated case, and I’ve no doubt children throughout the country will be maiming and destroying with great abandon come December 25th. I’m just waiting for the “Game Made Jonny Stab Mommy” headlines.

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