Sunday, 5 August 2007

Is this thing on?

So I used to have a little website and periodically post my thoughts and comments for anyone who stumbled across it. Work and family commitments, as well as frequent ISP changes, meant that went the way of the Dodo. Of course now everybody does something similar under this "blog" malarky. Thinking that it might be nice to have a little rant once in a while again, the ever so nice Mr Phil directed me here. Seems straight forward enough, so let's see how we go.


Anonymous said...

I thought about doing one of these blogs, then realised my life consists of nothing interesting, even to me. Plus there are too many people out there I have burned bridges with who don't need any more information than they already have. *cocks gun*

Anonymous said...

Ah ha - I found you. I look forward to many enjoyable hours of reading your insightful view on this modern world. ;-)