Monday, 6 August 2007

Would the real peachFUZZ please stand up.

I always liked the pseudonym peachFUZZ. It’s wonderfully innocent and masked the angry young man I once was. Of course back then the internet was barely crawling and uber haxxors were fragging in Quake on their 33.3k modems and names like God; Deathbringer; The Mighty Bob were the norm. Now of course we have our broadband and streaming HD movies and that angry young man has become an angry middle aged man with blood pressure just about scraping the ionosphere. Try and sign up to a forum or congregative area with the name peachFUZZ and rest assured you’ll be greeted with something along the lines of:

I’m sorry, that name is not available. Please try peachfuzz73681, or come up with something original, loser!

Googling the word can also return some disturbing results, none of which I’d share in a family environment, and made me wonder whether pseudonyms and aliases are truly worthwhile. At least if you use your real name there couldn’t be any chance of mistaken identity.

Curious as to what search parameters would be needed to locate blogs, I first googled peachfuzz and blogspot. Returning blogs mostly about some odd couple who are teaching their offspring to pray not be ginger (SEE)*. I then tried googling my name and blogspot which lead to a series of sex scandals and dirty pictures (feel free to pop off and see for yourself. I’ll be here when you get back). “Kevin Furlong described yesterday as the "BITTER FORMER AIR FORCE MAJOR WHO POSTED WIFE'S NUDE PIX ON INTERNET." Bitter is putting it mildly, ...” Reading on I was rather disturbed to learn, “The death threat issued by Captain amErika against Kevin Furlong has not been resolved I’ve only just started and am already a potential dead ginger pervert. Result!

*Of course I have no intention to cause any offence to anyone afflicted with a rusty bonnet. You’ve already suffered enough.

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