So much has happened I barely know where to start… Football is back. YAY! Had a great Guild Wars (PC) session with some of the clan. Finished S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl (PC) and enjoyed it so much am going to again to see the different endings. Decided I might have to leave Bioshock (PC) until I upgrade my hardware a bit. (I really want that game, but I need to do it justice and my current rig won’t and I’m not buying a 360 just for one game). I’ve been meaning to order Excite Truck (Wii) for ages so finally did that too. I’ve got a problem, don’t I?
All that and I still managed to squeeze in eating, sleeping and some work. Sometimes I amaze myself.
I’m trying to avoid social and political commentary. Can you tell? I used to rant and rave a lot about the ills of the world, but at the end of the day I don’t have the solution or the power to implement it if I did.
A situation in work today illustrates my current feelings of helplessness. I call this situation:
Everything you do is wrong!
Some colleagues complaining about another. He’s lazy; idle; useless they claim. He’s a valued member of the team I reply. He’s a waste of space who should be sacked. No, he is doing his work to the best of his ability and if he is falling short we all have to help to get things back on track.
I’m sure you can already see the road this is going down. Why are these guys working their socks off when they could reduce their workload by 10% simply by slowing down a bit and saying they’ve done their best? So what do we do?
a) Speak with everybody involved and explain what’s needed and required and that people’s ability will differ and that that should be respected and we should all do our best.
b) Discipline the “lazy” guy. Give him targets to reach and a reasonable period to improve and reach them?
c) Discipline the colleagues for making derogatory comments that could offend that other colleagues sensibilities?
Take a few seconds to think about it. Decided? Okay, if you answered:
a) I’m sorry, you have failed to act in any party’s interest and they all feel you are not listening or acting to improve the situation. Expect a couple of grievances to be lodged against you.
b) I’m sorry, you cannot single an individual out like that. Even if that persons performances are below expectations and all his colleagues are repeatedly complaining, to only set the one person a performance improvement schedule could be considered bullying and/or harassment. Expect a grievance to be lodged against you.
c) I’m sorry, you have failed to empathise or act on their concerns. They now feel you are giving the “lazy” colleague preferential treatment while making them do more work. Failure to balance the workload equally could be considered bullying and/or harassment. Expect a grievance to be lodged against you.
The clue was in the title.
Right… S.T.A.L.K.E.R…