Mixed week. On the one hand I’ve had the absolute pleasure of Portal (PC). Talk about sliding in under the radar. Anyone who says they knew this was going to be the purest slice of gaming cake in the history of gaming is a liar. No-one could have expected this. It’s a pleasure to have handed over hard earned cash for. Log in to your steam account now and get it. Sod reading this rubbish anymore, go now.
Also in the Orange Box, which when purchased through Steam comes sans box of course, is Half-Life 2: Episode 2 (PC) and Team Fortress 2 (PC) along with Half Life 2 and Half-Life 2: Episode 1. As someone who already owned HL2 & Ep1 it’s a touch galling having to buy them again for Ep2, TF2 and Portal, but with the current exchange rate being what it is it wasn’t galling enough to stop me. TF2 I’ve played a few times as with getting it through Steam I could play the Beta, and as nice an online shooter as it is, at the moment I much prefer Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (PC). That’s not to say TF2 isn’t great, it is, it’s just not as great. I’ve also finally started playing Fahrenheit (PC) which has sat on the ‘to play’ shelf for far too long. All in all, a week of gaming happiness.
On the other hand, I took some time off work to finally clear my loft and get it lagged. I figured it would take Thursday and most of Friday to clear and Saturday morning to lag. That would then leave me clear to watch the football and rugby, waving my flag of St George in true armchair fashion. Thursday went well, got a lot of rubble and plaster cleared. One thing I hadn’t considered though was that being an overweight, unfit, desk jockey, come Thursday night my thighs would turn to lead. Friday morning I could barely walk, and when I did get motive I looked like I’d done the mother of all shits in my pants. A haemorrhoidal, saddle sore, John Wayne, who’d just walked 10 miles through blazing desert sands, barefoot, would have looked better in control of his limbs than me. So that was Friday scuppered. Saturday and I’m a little more mobile. The Deep Heat I put on clearly doesn’t like me, having left my inner thighs bright red, and in the case of the left thigh, surprisingly blistered. Today I’m almost walking normally. This is a good thing because I’m off to
So, mixed week.
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