Thursday, 13 September 2007

White & Nerdy

Having taken to this blog thing like a crispy duck to pancakes, Mr Phil has now set me on the path to Facebook. How do I repay him? By getting all Brokeback on his (pardon the pun) ass and telling all his e-friends that we’ve had bum love. We haven’t, and save some catastrophic lifestyle changes on both our parts it’s pretty unlikely we ever will. Sure we may be missing out, but it’s something I think we’ll both have to learn to live with.

What’s really upset me though is that in the past 24 hours Mr Phil has subliminally forced me into taking a Star Wars Quiz and a Movie Quotes Quiz. To my shame I’ve scored 100% in each. So while my puerile nonsense is transparently for comedic effect, Mr Phil is clearly an evil genius.


Anonymous said...

Yeah thanks for the comment of facebook suggesting we had been acting like public schoolboys together (though you put it in more explicit terms)! As my "e-friends" are in some cases work colleagues I really appreciate it! :-) GIT!

Anonymous said...

Oh by the way... have you tried the "never ending movie quiz" yet? <evil laugh>muwahaha </evil laugh>