Wednesday, 25 April 2012

No Escape

It’s been a tough couple of months. Financially things are finely balanced, as I think they are for most people. Austerity measures bite into the support that low income families rely on. We’d prefer not to, we’d love to be completely independent, but my historic lack of academic performance, inability to co-ordinate my faculties into production, and my social ineptitude have combined to ensure a salary approaching the national average shall remain as lofty a dream as that of those who purchase lottery tickets. But I have my PC. My wonderful PC which takes me away from, well, me.

Or at least it did. My ageing system is finally starting to fail. It has been a wonderful companion over these past few years but I can no longer resist the need to replace its innards. That of course brings us back to our austerity issues. Gaming PCs aren’t cheap, even low to mid performance components for those on a tight budget will stretch you to a couple of consoles worth of purchasing power. Sure, in the long run the PC will work out comparable if not cheaper overall, but it’s still an eye watering initial outlay.

Thankfully I’m not frivolous with money and the years of abusing my body with alcohol, tobacco and drugs are long behind me. I still eat far too much, but I think that’s pretty typical of those who lack a degree of self worth. Whether that’s a result of my being an unwanted inconvenience to be paternally abandoned as an infant leaving me with trust issues I don’t know.

It’s been the ever present monkey on my back: If my own father didn’t like me enough to stick around and I don’t particularly like me, why should anyone? Which leads me to think they don’t and so must be lying if they say they do. And if they’re that deceitful how can I then trust them? That’s pretty tough to resolve when you’re married with children.

The sooner my PC is back up and running and I can stop being me again the better.