Monday, 27 October 2008

Ground Floor, comin' up.

Given how much I have to say on a wide variety of topics, this blog is awfully quiet. It seems I'm only posting now to explain why I'm not posting. Obviously Warhammer Online:Age Of Reckoning (PC) is taking up a fair few of my gaming hours, and almost lives up to expectations. I'm having another run through Crysis (PC) too.

There's so many things wrong in the world at the moment, and the angry young man I once was is tired and old. All my anger these days just turns to bile and heartburn.

I've had a bit of a nasty chest infection recently, so having had a few days off work and still feeling rough around the edges and certainly nowhere near 100%, I drag my sorry fat arse back in. Having missed a few days I'm a little out of touch and when I enquire as to what's been happening I'm informed by one of my superiors that if I wanted to know what was going on I shouldn't have stayed off. That was soon put behind us though as he went on to tell me how my efforts to safeguard our employees over the past couple of months were wrong and affirmed my theory that our employees health and safety is inversely proportionate the size of the customer's account. It's that level of warmth and love that keeps me going and makes me feel so appreciated in work.

On the plus side, there's a new poster and some nice stills for Watchmen.